SIDXCCamera.h File Reference

File containing SIDX camera usage for reference. More...

#include "SIDXCConstants.h"

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int SIDXCameraAcquireImageGetLimit (void *SIDXcamera, int64_t &maximum_count)
 Obtain the maximum number of images that was set by ImageSetLimit. More...
int SIDXCameraAcquireImageSetLimit (void *SIDXcamera, int64_t maximum_count)
 Set the maximum number of images acquired following each call to SIDXAcquireStart. More...
int SIDXCameraAcquireOpen (void *SIDXcamera, void *&SIDXacquire)
 Prepare acquisition. More...
int SIDXCameraBinningGet (void *SIDXcamera, int &x, int &y)
 Obtain the x and y axis binning. More...
int SIDXCameraBinningGetType (void *SIDXcamera, SIDXSettingType &type)
 Obtain the type of binning for the camera. More...
int SIDXCameraBinningItemGet (void *SIDXcamera, int &index)
 Obtain the item of the current binning selection within the binning list. More...
int SIDXCameraBinningItemGetCount (void *SIDXcamera, int &count)
 Obtain the total number of available (x,y) binning combinations. More...
int SIDXCameraBinningItemGetEntry (void *SIDXcamera, int index, int &x, int &y)
 Given the index of a binning selection within the list, returns the x and y axis binning factor. More...
int SIDXCameraBinningItemGetLocal (void *SIDXcamera, int index, wchar_t *description, size_t length)
 Obtain a text string description of the specified binning setting. More...
int SIDXCameraBinningItemSet (void *SIDXcamera, int index)
 Set the binning to the specified index within the binning list. More...
int SIDXCameraBinningSet (void *SIDXcamera, int x, int y)
 Set the binning as binning x and y factors. More...
int SIDXCameraBinningXGetLimit (void *SIDXcamera, int &maximum)
 Obtain the largest x axis binning ratio. More...
int SIDXCameraBinningXGetType (void *SIDXcamera, SIDXSettingType &type)
 Obtain the type of binning selection available for the x axis. More...
int SIDXCameraBinningXItemGetCount (void *SIDXcamera, int &count)
 Obtain the count of available x axis binning settings. More...
int SIDXCameraBinningXItemGetEntry (void *SIDXcamera, int index, int &binning)
 Obtain the x axis binning ratio for the specified list index. More...
int SIDXCameraBinningXItemGetLocal (void *SIDXcamera, int index, wchar_t *description, size_t length)
 Obtain a text description of the x axis binning ratio for the specified list index. More...
int SIDXCameraBinningYGetLimit (void *SIDXcamera, int &maximum)
 Obtain the maximum y axis binning ratio. More...
int SIDXCameraBufferCountGet (void *SIDXcamera, int &count)
 Obtain the image buffer count setting. More...
int SIDXCameraBufferCountSet (void *SIDXcamera, int count)
 Set the minimum number of sensor images to buffer during Acquire. More...
int SIDXCameraClose (void *SIDXcamera)
 Close the camera. More...
int SIDXCameraCoolingGet (void *SIDXcamera, double &temperature)
 Obtain the image sensor target temperature. More...
int SIDXCameraCoolingGetControl (void *SIDXcamera, SIDXCoolingControl &control)
 Obtain the type of image sensor temperature control and monitoring available. More...
int SIDXCameraCoolingGetRange (void *SIDXcamera, double &minimum, double &maximum)
 Obtain the minimum and maximum temperature setting. More...
int SIDXCameraCoolingGetValue (void *SIDXcamera, double &temperature)
 Obtain the image sensor temperature. More...
int SIDXCameraCoolingSet (void *SIDXcamera, double temperature)
 Set the image sensor target temperature. More...
int SIDXCameraEMGainGet (void *SIDXcamera, int &gain)
 Obtain the current EM gain setting. More...
int SIDXCameraEMGainGetLabel (void *SIDXcamera, wchar_t *label, size_t length)
 Obtain the label of the EM gain as a text string. More...
int SIDXCameraEMGainGetRange (void *SIDXcamera, int &minimum, int &maximum)
 Obtain the minimum and maximum EM gain value. More...
int SIDXCameraEMGainGetType (void *SIDXcamera, SIDXSettingType &type)
 Obtain the type of EM gain setting. More...
int SIDXCameraEMGainGetUnit (void *SIDXcamera, wchar_t *unit, size_t length)
 Obtain the unit of the EM gain as a text string. More...
int SIDXCameraEMGainGetValue (void *SIDXcamera, int &gain)
 Obtain the current EM gain value. More...
int SIDXCameraEMGainItemGet (void *SIDXcamera, int &index)
 Obtain the index of the EM gain within the gain list. More...
int SIDXCameraEMGainItemGetCount (void *SIDXcamera, int &count)
 Obtain the count of available EM gain settings. More...
int SIDXCameraEMGainItemGetEntry (void *SIDXcamera, int index, int &gain)
 Obtain the EM gain value corresponding to an index within the list. More...
int SIDXCameraEMGainItemGetLocal (void *SIDXcamera, int index, wchar_t *description, size_t length)
 Obtain a text string description of the EM gain value corresponding to the specified index. More...
int SIDXCameraEMGainItemSet (void *SIDXcamera, int index)
 Set the EM gain to a value corresponding to an index within the list. More...
int SIDXCameraEMGainSet (void *SIDXcamera, int gain)
 Sets the EM gain. More...
int SIDXCameraExposeGet (void *SIDXcamera, double &exposure)
 Obtain the exposure time (duration) setting. More...
int SIDXCameraExposeGetRange (void *SIDXcamera, double &minimum, double &maximum)
 Obtain the minimum and maximum exposure time duration. More...
int SIDXCameraExposeGetValue (void *SIDXcamera, double &exposure)
 Obtain the exposure time (duration) value used by the camera. More...
int SIDXCameraExposeSet (void *SIDXcamera, double exposure)
 Set the exposure time. More...
int SIDXCameraExternalDelayGet (void *SIDXcamera, double &interval)
 Obtain the time interval in seconds required by the external device between the end of an exposure and the start of the next exposure. More...
int SIDXCameraExternalDelaySet (void *SIDXcamera, double interval)
 Set the time interval in seconds between the end of an exposure and the start of the next exposure required by the external device. More...
int SIDXCameraFanControlExists (void *SIDXcamera, bool &available)
 Determine if fan control is available. More...
int SIDXCameraFanControlGet (void *SIDXcamera, bool &enable)
 Obtain whether or not fan control is enabled. More...
int SIDXCameraFanControlSet (void *SIDXcamera, bool enable)
 Set the fan control. More...
int SIDXCameraGainGet (void *SIDXcamera, double &gain)
 Obtain the current readout analog gain setting. More...
int SIDXCameraGainGetLabel (void *SIDXcamera, wchar_t *label, size_t length)
 Obtain the camera analog gain label as a text string. More...
int SIDXCameraGainGetRange (void *SIDXcamera, double &minimum, double &maximum)
 Obtain the analog gain minimum and maximum value. More...
int SIDXCameraGainGetType (void *SIDXcamera, SIDXSettingType &type)
 Obtain the type of analog gain setting. More...
int SIDXCameraGainGetUnit (void *SIDXcamera, wchar_t *unit, size_t length)
 Obtain the camera analog gain unit as a text string. More...
int SIDXCameraGainGetValue (void *SIDXcamera, double &gain)
 Obtain the current readout analog gain value used by the camera. More...
int SIDXCameraGainItemGet (void *SIDXcamera, int &index)
 Obtain the index of the gain within the gain list. More...
int SIDXCameraGainItemGetCount (void *SIDXcamera, int &count)
 Obtain the count of available gain settings. More...
int SIDXCameraGainItemGetEntry (void *SIDXcamera, int index, double &gain)
 Obtain the gain value corresponding to a specified gain list index. More...
int SIDXCameraGainItemGetLocal (void *SIDXcamera, int index, wchar_t *description, size_t length)
 Obtain a text description of the specified gain list index. More...
int SIDXCameraGainItemSet (void *SIDXcamera, int index)
 Set the analog gain according to the specified gain list index. More...
int SIDXCameraGainSet (void *SIDXcamera, double gain)
 Set the camera analog gain to the specified value. More...
void SIDXCameraGetLastError (void *SIDXcamera, wchar_t *message, size_t length)
 The function translates the error code into a text string. More...
int SIDXCameraIntensifierGet (void *SIDXcamera, double &gain)
 Obtain the current intensifier setting. More...
int SIDXCameraIntensifierGetLabel (void *SIDXcamera, wchar_t *label, size_t length)
 Obtain the label for the intensifier setting. More...
int SIDXCameraIntensifierGetRange (void *SIDXcamera, double &minimum, double &maximum)
 Obtain the minimum and maximum intensifier value. More...
int SIDXCameraIntensifierGetType (void *SIDXcamera, SIDXSettingType &type)
 Obtain the type of intensifier setting. More...
int SIDXCameraIntensifierGetUnit (void *SIDXcamera, wchar_t *unit, size_t length)
 Obtain the intensifier gain unit as a text string. More...
int SIDXCameraIntensifierGetValue (void *SIDXcamera, double &gain)
 Obtain the current intensifier value. More...
int SIDXCameraIntensifierSet (void *SIDXcamera, double gain)
 Set the intensifier. More...
int SIDXCameraOperateGet (void *SIDXcamera, wchar_t *value, size_t length)
 Obtain the current operating mode setting as a camera-specific text string. More...
int SIDXCameraOperateItemGet (void *SIDXcamera, int &index)
 Obtain the current operating mode setting. More...
int SIDXCameraOperateItemGetCount (void *SIDXcamera, int &count)
 Obtain the count of available camera operating modes. More...
int SIDXCameraOperateItemGetLocal (void *SIDXcamera, int index, wchar_t *description, size_t length)
 Obtain a text string description of the operating mode corresponding to the specified index. More...
int SIDXCameraOperateItemSet (void *SIDXcamera, int index)
 Set the operating mode to the specified index. More...
int SIDXCameraOperateSet (void *SIDXcamera, const wchar_t *value)
 Set the current operating mode setting, using a camera-specific text string. More...
int SIDXCameraPollingGet (void *SIDXcamera, double &interval)
 Obtain the service interval (polling interval) setting. More...
int SIDXCameraPollingSet (void *SIDXcamera, double interval)
 Set the service interval during Acquire. More...
int SIDXCameraReadoutGet (void *SIDXcamera, wchar_t *value, size_t length)
 Obtain the current Readout setting as a camera-specific value. More...
int SIDXCameraReadoutGetValue (void *SIDXcamera, double &pixel_rate, int &pixel_depth)
 Obtain the pixel depth and pixel rate of images acquired using the Readout, with the current settings. More...
int SIDXCameraReadoutItemGet (void *SIDXcamera, int &index)
 Obtain the current Readout setting. More...
int SIDXCameraReadoutItemGetCount (void *SIDXcamera, int &count)
 Obtain the count of available Readout settings. More...
int SIDXCameraReadoutItemGetEntry (void *SIDXcamera, int index, double &pixel_rate, int &pixel_depth)
 Obtain the pixel depth and pixel rate of images acquired using the Readout corresponding to the specified index. More...
int SIDXCameraReadoutItemGetLocal (void *SIDXcamera, int index, wchar_t *description, size_t length)
 Obtain a text string description of the Readout corresponding to the specified index. More...
int SIDXCameraReadoutItemSet (void *SIDXcamera, int index)
 Set the Readout to the specified index. More...
int SIDXCameraReadoutSet (void *SIDXcamera, const wchar_t *value)
 Set the current Readout setting, using a camera-specific value. More...
int SIDXCameraROIClear (void *SIDXcamera)
 Clear the ROI (region of interest), so the entire image is acquired. More...
int SIDXCameraROIGet (void *SIDXcamera, int &x1, int &y1, int &x2, int &y2)
 Obtain the ROI setting. More...
int SIDXCameraROIGetValue (void *SIDXcamera, int &x1, int &y1, int &x2, int &y2)
 Obtain the ROI used. More...
int SIDXCameraROISet (void *SIDXcamera, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
 Set the ROI (region of interest) for imaging. More...
int SIDXCameraRotateClear (void *SIDXcamera)
 Clear the rotation and mirroring settings, so acquired images are not transformed. More...
int SIDXCameraRotateMirrorX (void *SIDXcamera)
 Mirror the image in x. More...
int SIDXCameraRotateMirrorY (void *SIDXcamera)
 Mirror the image in y. More...
int SIDXCameraRotateSet (void *SIDXcamera, int count)
 Set the image rotation as a count of 90 degree clockwise rotations. More...
int SIDXCameraShutterExists (void *SIDXcamera, SIDXShutterMode mode, bool &available)
 Determine whether a given shutter control mode is available. More...
int SIDXCameraShutterGet (void *SIDXcamera, SIDXShutterMode &mode)
 Obtain the current shutter control setting. More...
int SIDXCameraShutterSet (void *SIDXcamera, SIDXShutterMode mode)
 Set the shutter control to the specified value. More...
int SIDXCameraTemperatureExists (void *SIDXcamera, bool &available)
 Determine whether the camera sensor temperature is available. More...
int SIDXCameraTemperatureGet (void *SIDXcamera, double &temperature)
 Obtain the current measured sensor temperature. More...
int SIDXCameraTransferRateGet (void *SIDXcamera, double &transfer_rate)
 Obtain the transfer rate in bytes per second. More...
int SIDXCameraTransferRateSet (void *SIDXcamera, double transfer_rate)
 Set the transfer rate in bytes per second. More...
int SIDXCameraTriggerModeExists (void *SIDXcamera, SIDXTriggerInMode mode, bool &available)
 Determine whether a given trigger input control mode is available. More...
int SIDXCameraTriggerModeGet (void *SIDXcamera, SIDXTriggerInMode &mode)
 Obtain the current trigger input control setting. More...
int SIDXCameraTriggerModeSet (void *SIDXcamera, SIDXTriggerInMode mode)
 Set the trigger input control to the specified value. More...
int SIDXCameraTriggerSignalExists (void *SIDXcamera, SIDXSignalActiveMode mode, bool &available)
 Determine whether a given trigger input signal mode is available. More...
int SIDXCameraTriggerSignalGet (void *SIDXcamera, SIDXSignalActiveMode &mode)
 Obtain the current trigger input signal setting. More...
int SIDXCameraTriggerSignalSet (void *SIDXcamera, SIDXSignalActiveMode mode)
 Set the trigger input signal to the specified value. More...
int SIDXGeometryChannelGetDepth (void *SIDXcamera, int &depth)
 Obtain the pixel depth of one channel from the image data. More...
int SIDXGeometryImageGetSize (void *SIDXcamera, size_t &size)
 Obtain the data size of an image. More...
int SIDXGeometryImageGetType (void *SIDXcamera, SIDXImageType &type)
 Obtain the image type of the source image. More...
int SIDXGeometryPixelGetCount (void *SIDXcamera, int &x, int &y)
 Obtain the x and y pixel count for images. More...
int SIDXGeometryPixelSpacingGet (void *SIDXcamera, double &x, double &y)
 Obtain the pixel size in x and y. More...

Detailed Description

File containing SIDX camera usage for reference.

Function Documentation

int SIDXCameraAcquireImageGetLimit ( void *  SIDXcamera,
int64_t &  maximum_count 

Obtain the maximum number of images that was set by ImageSetLimit.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
maximum_countA variable to receive an integer value representing the maximum number of images to be acquired.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraAcquireImageSetLimit ( void *  SIDXcamera,
int64_t  maximum_count 

Set the maximum number of images acquired following each call to SIDXAcquireStart.

This is a 'soft limit', the camera will acquire at least the specified number of images before stopping, but may acquire more. For most cameras, the camera acquires images continuously, and SIDX enforces the SIDXCameraAcquireImageSetLimit limit value in software when it finds that the camera has acquired at least the specified number of images.

If zero value is set, the camera will continuously acquire images until Acquire Stop or Acquire Abort is called.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
maximum_countAn integer value specifying the maximum number of images to acquire.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraAcquireOpen ( void *  SIDXcamera,
void *&  SIDXacquire 

Prepare acquisition.

This operation does not start Acquire, Acquire must be started explicitly. After this operation, the camera settings cannot be changed, until Acquire closes.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
SIDXacquireA variable to receive an object that references the acquisition context and is used to aquire images.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraBinningGet ( void *  SIDXcamera,
int &  x,
int &  y 

Obtain the x and y axis binning.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
xA variable to receive an integer value representing the x axis binning.
yA variable to receive an integer value representing the y axis binning.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraBinningGetType ( void *  SIDXcamera,
SIDXSettingType type 

Obtain the type of binning for the camera.

If the camera supports independent selection of binning on the x and y axes, the type of binning returned from the function will be 'none'. In that case, use the separate methods for the x and y axes to obtain the settable values.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
typeA variable to receive a value describing the type of binning supported for the camera. The binning type may be none or list. The binning type is never integer or real.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraBinningItemGet ( void *  SIDXcamera,
int &  index 

Obtain the item of the current binning selection within the binning list.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
indexA variable to receive an integer representing the index of the current binning within the list.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraBinningItemGetCount ( void *  SIDXcamera,
int &  count 

Obtain the total number of available (x,y) binning combinations.

This operation returns a nonzero value only for cameras that support setting the x and y bininng together as a unit. For cameras that support setting the x and y binning independently, the camera reports zero (x,y) binning combinations.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
countA variable to receive an integer count representing the number of (x,y) binning combinations. This value is zero if the camera supports setting the x and y axis binning independently.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraBinningItemGetEntry ( void *  SIDXcamera,
int  index,
int &  x,
int &  y 

Given the index of a binning selection within the list, returns the x and y axis binning factor.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
indexThe integer index of the binning selection within the list of available binning choices.
xA variable to receive an integer value representing the x axis binning.
yA variable to receive an integer value representing the y axis binning.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraBinningItemGetLocal ( void *  SIDXcamera,
int  index,
wchar_t *  description,
size_t  length 

Obtain a text string description of the specified binning setting.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
indexThe integer index of the binning selection within the list of available binning choices.
descriptionA variable to receive a text string description of the specified binning list entry.
lengthThe length of the text string, measured in characters. The string should include space for a null character at the end of the string.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraBinningItemSet ( void *  SIDXcamera,
int  index 

Set the binning to the specified index within the binning list.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
indexThe integer index of the binning selection within the list of available binning choices.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraBinningSet ( void *  SIDXcamera,
int  x,
int  y 

Set the binning as binning x and y factors.

The specific x and y binning combination must be supported by the camera.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
xAn integer value that specifies the x axis binning. For example, a value of 2 specifies 2:1 x axis binning, that is, each 2 x axis sensor pixels (columns) are binned and read out as 1 x axis column.
yAn integer value that specifes the y axis binning. For example, a value of 4 specifies 4:1 y axis binning, that is, each 4 y axis sensor pixels (rows) are binned and read out as 1 y axis row.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraBinningXGetLimit ( void *  SIDXcamera,
int &  maximum 

Obtain the largest x axis binning ratio.

Use BinningSet to set a value within the limits for the x coordinate.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
maximumA variable to receive an integer value representing the maximum x axis binning ratio. This value is 1 or greater.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraBinningXGetType ( void *  SIDXcamera,
SIDXSettingType type 

Obtain the type of binning selection available for the x axis.

The x axis binning type is 'none' if the x and y axis binning interacts and must be set together. If the x axis binning value can be obtained independently, the x axis binning type is not 'none'.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
typeA variable to receive a value describing the type of binning available. The x axis binning type may be none, list, or integer. The x axis binning type is never a real.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraBinningXItemGetCount ( void *  SIDXcamera,
int &  count 

Obtain the count of available x axis binning settings.

This method is valid only if the x axis binning type is a list.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
countA variable to receive an integer count representing the number of available x axis binning settings.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraBinningXItemGetEntry ( void *  SIDXcamera,
int  index,
int &  binning 

Obtain the x axis binning ratio for the specified list index.

This method is valid only if the x axis binning type is a list. Use BinningSet to set the entry value returned for the x coordinate.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
indexThe integer index of the x axis binning selection within the list of available x axis binning choices.
binningA variable to receive an integer representing the binning ratio. This value is 1 or greater.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraBinningXItemGetLocal ( void *  SIDXcamera,
int  index,
wchar_t *  description,
size_t  length 

Obtain a text description of the x axis binning ratio for the specified list index.

This method is valid only if the x axis binning type is a list.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
indexThe integer index of the x axis binning selection within the list of available x axis binning choices.
descriptionA variable to receive a text string description the binning ratio.
lengthThe length of the text string, measured in characters. The string should include space for a null character at the end of the string.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraBinningYGetLimit ( void *  SIDXcamera,
int &  maximum 

Obtain the maximum y axis binning ratio.

The y axis binning ratio can be determined independently of the x axis binning ratio only if the x axis binning type is not 'none'. If the y axis binning ratio can be determined independently, the y axis binning value range is always 1 to the maximum value. Use BinningSet to set a value within the limits for the y coordinate.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
maximumA variable to receive an integer value representing the maximum y axis binning ratio. This value is 1 or greater.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraBufferCountGet ( void *  SIDXcamera,
int &  count 

Obtain the image buffer count setting.

The actual image buffer count may differ from the setting.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
countA variable to receive an integer value representing the image buffer count setting, as a number of sensor images.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraBufferCountSet ( void *  SIDXcamera,
int  count 

Set the minimum number of sensor images to buffer during Acquire.

SIDX sets the default sensor image count value to 50.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
countAn integer value specifying the minimum image buffer size, in units of sensor images.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraClose ( void *  SIDXcamera)

Close the camera.

After this call, the camera is no longer valid.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraCoolingGet ( void *  SIDXcamera,
double &  temperature 

Obtain the image sensor target temperature.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
temperatureA variable to receive a real (floating-point) value representing the image sensor target temperature setting, in degrees Celsius.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraCoolingGetControl ( void *  SIDXcamera,
SIDXCoolingControl control 

Obtain the type of image sensor temperature control and monitoring available.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
controlA variable to receive a value describing the image sensor temperature control type.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraCoolingGetRange ( void *  SIDXcamera,
double &  minimum,
double &  maximum 

Obtain the minimum and maximum temperature setting.

This is not the limits of the sensor temperature, it is the limits of the temperature to which the sensor temperature control can be set.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
minimumA variable to receive a real (floating point) value representing the minimum limit in degrees Celsius.
maximumA variable to receive a real (floating point) value representing the maximum limit in degrees Celsius.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraCoolingGetValue ( void *  SIDXcamera,
double &  temperature 

Obtain the image sensor temperature.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
temperatureA variable to receive a real (floating-point) value representing the image sensor temperature in degrees Celsius.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraCoolingSet ( void *  SIDXcamera,
double  temperature 

Set the image sensor target temperature.

SIDX uses a value valid for the camera that is closest to the setting. Use 'get value' to determine the actual value that is set.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
temperatureA real (floating-point) value that specifies the target temperature in degrees Celsius.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraEMGainGet ( void *  SIDXcamera,
int &  gain 

Obtain the current EM gain setting.

For most cameras with EM gain, the EM gain value is nominal, not an actual gain. The greater the EM gain value, the greater the corresponding gain.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
gainA variable to receive an integer value representing the current EM gain setting.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraEMGainGetLabel ( void *  SIDXcamera,
wchar_t *  label,
size_t  length 

Obtain the label of the EM gain as a text string.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
labelA variable to receive a text string representing the EM gain label.
lengthThe length of the array to receive the text string, measured in characters. The array should include space for a null character at the end of the string.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraEMGainGetRange ( void *  SIDXcamera,
int &  minimum,
int &  maximum 

Obtain the minimum and maximum EM gain value.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
minimumA variable to receive an integer value representing the minimum limit.
maximumA variable to receive an integer value representing the maximum limit.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraEMGainGetType ( void *  SIDXcamera,
SIDXSettingType type 

Obtain the type of EM gain setting.

The EM gain setting type is one of none, integer, or list.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
typeA variable to receive a value describing the type of EM gain available. The EM gain setting type is one of none, integer, or list. The EM gain setting type is never real, but this could change in the future.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraEMGainGetUnit ( void *  SIDXcamera,
wchar_t *  unit,
size_t  length 

Obtain the unit of the EM gain as a text string.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
unitA variable to receive a text string representing the EM gain unit. If the EM gain is dimensionless, this text string may be blank.
lengthThe length of the array to receive the text string, measured in characters. The array should include space for a null character at the end of the string.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraEMGainGetValue ( void *  SIDXcamera,
int &  gain 

Obtain the current EM gain value.

For most cameras with EM gain, the EM gain value is nominal, not an actual gain. The greater the EM gain value, the greater the corresponding gain.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
gainA variable to receive an integer value representing the current EM gain value.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraEMGainItemGet ( void *  SIDXcamera,
int &  index 

Obtain the index of the EM gain within the gain list.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
indexA variable to receive an integer value representing the current EM gain index within the list.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraEMGainItemGetCount ( void *  SIDXcamera,
int &  count 

Obtain the count of available EM gain settings.

This operation is valid only if the EM gain type is a list.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
countA variable to receive an integer value representing the count of available EM gain settings.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraEMGainItemGetEntry ( void *  SIDXcamera,
int  index,
int &  gain 

Obtain the EM gain value corresponding to an index within the list.

This operation is valid only if the EM gain type is a list.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
indexAn integer index of the EM gain selection within the list of available EM gain values. The first entry in the list has index zero.
gainA variable to receive an integer value representing the EM gain value corresponding to the index within the list.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraEMGainItemGetLocal ( void *  SIDXcamera,
int  index,
wchar_t *  description,
size_t  length 

Obtain a text string description of the EM gain value corresponding to the specified index.

This operation is valid only if the EM gain type is a list.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
indexAn integer index of the EM gain selection within the list of available EM gain values. The first entry in the list has index zero.
descriptionA variable to receive a text string description of the gain value.
lengthThe length of the array to receive the text string, measured in characters. The array should include space for a null character at the end of the string.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraEMGainItemSet ( void *  SIDXcamera,
int  index 

Set the EM gain to a value corresponding to an index within the list.

This operation is valid only if the EM gain type is a list.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
indexAn integer index of the EM gain selection within the list of available EM gain values. The first entry in the list has index zero.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraEMGainSet ( void *  SIDXcamera,
int  gain 

Sets the EM gain.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
gainAn integer value specifying the camera EM gain value to use. This EM gain value must be valid for the camera. The EM gain value is not the actual gain. For example, an EM gain of 4 is a higher gain than an EM gain of 2, but the actual amplification ratio of the two settings may or may not be 4:2.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraExposeGet ( void *  SIDXcamera,
double &  exposure 

Obtain the exposure time (duration) setting.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
exposureA variable to receive a real (floating-point) value representing the current exposure duration setting, expressed in seconds.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraExposeGetRange ( void *  SIDXcamera,
double &  minimum,
double &  maximum 

Obtain the minimum and maximum exposure time duration.

Note that the limits of the exposure time can change based on camera settings.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
minimumA variable to receive a real (floating point) value representing the minimum limit, expressed in seconds.
maximumA variable to receive a real (floating point) value representing the maximum limit, expressed in seconds.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraExposeGetValue ( void *  SIDXcamera,
double &  exposure 

Obtain the exposure time (duration) value used by the camera.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
exposureA variable to receive a real (floating-point) value representing the current exposure time duration used by the camera, expressed in seconds.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraExposeSet ( void *  SIDXcamera,
double  exposure 

Set the exposure time.

If the exposure time is set to a value less than the minimum, or greater than the maximum, the exposure time used will be limited to the exposure time minimum or maximum value.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
exposureA real (floating-point) value containing the exposure duration, in seconds. This value must be greater than zero.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraExternalDelayGet ( void *  SIDXcamera,
double &  interval 

Obtain the time interval in seconds required by the external device between the end of an exposure and the start of the next exposure.

This is the minimum delay, the actual delay may be longer, depending on the camera.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
intervalA variable to receive a real (floating-point) value specifying external time interval delay in seconds.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraExternalDelaySet ( void *  SIDXcamera,
double  interval 

Set the time interval in seconds between the end of an exposure and the start of the next exposure required by the external device.

If the external delay is not set, the default is zero.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
intervalA real (floating-point) value specifying the external time interval delay in seconds.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraFanControlExists ( void *  SIDXcamera,
bool &  available 

Determine if fan control is available.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
availableA variable to receive a boolean value, true if computer-based fan control is available, false if not.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraFanControlGet ( void *  SIDXcamera,
bool &  enable 

Obtain whether or not fan control is enabled.

This operation will report an error if the camera does not have computer-based fan control.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
enableA variable to receive a boolean value, true to enable the fan, false to disable the fan.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraFanControlSet ( void *  SIDXcamera,
bool  enable 

Set the fan control.

This operation will report an error if the camera does not have computerbased fan control. If the fan control is enabled, the fan may turn on for cooling. If the fan control is disabled, the fan is prevented from turning on.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
enableA variable to receive a boolean value, true to enable the fan, false to disable the fan.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraGainGet ( void *  SIDXcamera,
double &  gain 

Obtain the current readout analog gain setting.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
gainA variable to receive a real (floating-point) value representing the analog gain setting. This setting is always greater than zero. If the camera does not have an analog gain setting, this value is 1.0.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraGainGetLabel ( void *  SIDXcamera,
wchar_t *  label,
size_t  length 

Obtain the camera analog gain label as a text string.

The label is independent of the gain value, for example, it might be the string "Gain".

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
labelA variable to receive a text string representing the label for the analog gain.
lengthThe length of the array to receive the text string, measured in characters. The array should include space for a null character at the end of the string.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraGainGetRange ( void *  SIDXcamera,
double &  minimum,
double &  maximum 

Obtain the analog gain minimum and maximum value.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
minimumA variable to receive a real (floating point) value representing the minimum limit.
maximumA variable to receive a real (floating point) value representing the maximum limit.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraGainGetType ( void *  SIDXcamera,
SIDXSettingType type 

Obtain the type of analog gain setting.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
typeA variable to receive a value describing the type of analog gain available. The type is one of none, list, or real. The type is never integer.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraGainGetUnit ( void *  SIDXcamera,
wchar_t *  unit,
size_t  length 

Obtain the camera analog gain unit as a text string.

The unit is independent of the gain value.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
unitA variable to receive a text string representing the unit for the analog gain. If the gain is dimensionless, this string may be empty.
lengthThe length of the array to receive the text string, measured in characters. The array should include space for a null character at the end of the string.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraGainGetValue ( void *  SIDXcamera,
double &  gain 

Obtain the current readout analog gain value used by the camera.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
gainA variable to receive a real (floating-point) value representing the analog gain value. This value is always greater than zero. If the camera does not have an analog gain setting, this value is 1.0.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraGainItemGet ( void *  SIDXcamera,
int &  index 

Obtain the index of the gain within the gain list.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
indexA variable to receive an integer value representing the index of the gain within the list of analog gains.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraGainItemGetCount ( void *  SIDXcamera,
int &  count 

Obtain the count of available gain settings.

This operation is valid only if the gain type is list.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
countA variable to receive an integer representing the count of available gain settings.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraGainItemGetEntry ( void *  SIDXcamera,
int  index,
double &  gain 

Obtain the gain value corresponding to a specified gain list index.

This operation is valid only if the gain type is list.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
indexAn integer index of the gain selection within the list of available gain values. The first entry in the list has index zero.
gainA variable to receive a real (floating-point) value representing the gain. This value is always greater than zero.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraGainItemGetLocal ( void *  SIDXcamera,
int  index,
wchar_t *  description,
size_t  length 

Obtain a text description of the specified gain list index.

This operation is valid only if the gain type is list.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
indexAn integer index of the gain selection within the list of available gain values. The first entry in the list has index zero.
descriptionA variable to receive a text string description of the gain.
lengthThe length of the array to receive the text string, measured in characters. The array should include space for a null character at the end of the string.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraGainItemSet ( void *  SIDXcamera,
int  index 

Set the analog gain according to the specified gain list index.

This operation is valid only if the gain type is list.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
indexAn integer index of the gain selection within the list of available gain values. The first entry in the list has index zero.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraGainSet ( void *  SIDXcamera,
double  gain 

Set the camera analog gain to the specified value.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
gainA real (floating-point) value specifying the camera analog gain value to use. This analog gain value must be valid for the camera.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
void SIDXCameraGetLastError ( void *  SIDXcamera,
wchar_t *  message,
size_t  length 

The function translates the error code into a text string.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
messageA text string to receive the text associated with the last error occurred.
lengthThe length of the array to receive the text string, measured in characters. The array should include space for a null character at the end of the string.
int SIDXCameraIntensifierGet ( void *  SIDXcamera,
double &  gain 

Obtain the current intensifier setting.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
gainA variable to receive a real (floating-point) value representing the intensifier gain setting.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraIntensifierGetLabel ( void *  SIDXcamera,
wchar_t *  label,
size_t  length 

Obtain the label for the intensifier setting.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
labelA variable to receive a text string representing the intensifier setting label.
lengthThe length of the array to receive the text string, measured in characters. The array should include space for a null character at the end of the string.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraIntensifierGetRange ( void *  SIDXcamera,
double &  minimum,
double &  maximum 

Obtain the minimum and maximum intensifier value.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
minimumA variable to receive a real (floating point) value representing the minimum limit.
maximumA variable to receive a real (floating point) value representing the maximum limit.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraIntensifierGetType ( void *  SIDXcamera,
SIDXSettingType type 

Obtain the type of intensifier setting.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
typeA variable to receive a value describing the type of intensifier gain setting. The intensifier gain type is none or real. The intensifier gain type is never list or integer.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraIntensifierGetUnit ( void *  SIDXcamera,
wchar_t *  unit,
size_t  length 

Obtain the intensifier gain unit as a text string.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
unitA variable to receive a text string representing the intensifier gain unit. The intensifier gain may be dimensionless, in which case this text string may be blank.
lengthThe length of the array to receive the text string, measured in characters. The array should include space for a null character at the end of the string.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraIntensifierGetValue ( void *  SIDXcamera,
double &  gain 

Obtain the current intensifier value.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
gainA variable to receive a real (floating-point) value representing the intensifier gain value.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraIntensifierSet ( void *  SIDXcamera,
double  gain 

Set the intensifier.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
gainA real (floating-point) value specifying the intensifier gain. The value must be a valid intensifier gain setting.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraOperateGet ( void *  SIDXcamera,
wchar_t *  value,
size_t  length 

Obtain the current operating mode setting as a camera-specific text string.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
valueA variable to receive a text string value representing the operating mode setting. It is possible to restore the camera to the same setting later by setting the camera to this value.
lengthThe length of the array to receive the text string, measured in characters. The array should include space for a null character at the end of the string.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraOperateItemGet ( void *  SIDXcamera,
int &  index 

Obtain the current operating mode setting.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
indexA variable to receive an integer index representing the operating mode setting.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraOperateItemGetCount ( void *  SIDXcamera,
int &  count 

Obtain the count of available camera operating modes.

The result is one (1) if the camera offers only one Operate mode, that is, no choice of Operate mode.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
countA variable to receive an integer value representing the count of available operating mode settings.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraOperateItemGetLocal ( void *  SIDXcamera,
int  index,
wchar_t *  description,
size_t  length 

Obtain a text string description of the operating mode corresponding to the specified index.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
indexAn integer index of the operating mode selection within the list of available operating mode values. The first entry has index zero.
descriptionA variable to receive a text string description of the operating mode.
lengthThe length of the array to receive the text string, measured in characters. The array should include space for a null character at the end of the string.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraOperateItemSet ( void *  SIDXcamera,
int  index 

Set the operating mode to the specified index.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
indexAn integer index of the operating mode. The first operating mode has the index value zero (0);
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraOperateSet ( void *  SIDXcamera,
const wchar_t *  value 

Set the current operating mode setting, using a camera-specific text string.

When the caller sets the operation mode, all other parameters are reset to their default values. For example, the readout mode will be reset to the value that represents the slowest readout rate for the highest pixel depth.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
valueThe text string operating mode value to set. The value operating mode must be valid for the camera. The value is camera-specific.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraPollingGet ( void *  SIDXcamera,
double &  interval 

Obtain the service interval (polling interval) setting.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
intervalA variable to receive a real (floating-point) value representing the service interval setting, in seconds.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraPollingSet ( void *  SIDXcamera,
double  interval 

Set the service interval during Acquire.

The service interval is the maximum time between calls to the Acquire 'GetStatus' operation. The longer the service interval, the larger the buffer needed to hold images during Acquire. In some cases, the actual maximum service interval may differ significantly from the setting. SIDX sets the default polling value to 1 second.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
intervalA real (floating-point) value specifying the service interval, in seconds.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraReadoutGet ( void *  SIDXcamera,
wchar_t *  value,
size_t  length 

Obtain the current Readout setting as a camera-specific value.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
valueA variable to receive a text string value representing the setting. The value is camera-specific, the same value may represent a different setting on different cameras. However, the value should be consistent, so it should be possible restore the camera to the same setting later by setting the camera to this value.
lengthThe length of the array to receive the text string, measured in characters. The array should include space for a null character at the end of the string.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraReadoutGetValue ( void *  SIDXcamera,
double &  pixel_rate,
int &  pixel_depth 

Obtain the pixel depth and pixel rate of images acquired using the Readout, with the current settings.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
pixel_rateA variable to receive a real (floating-point) value representing the nominal pixel readout rate of images acquired using the readout, measured in Hz. For example, if the pixel readout rate is 10MHz, this value is 10 million (1.0e+7)
pixel_depthA variable to receive an integer value representing the pixel depth of images acquired using the readout, measured in bits.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraReadoutItemGet ( void *  SIDXcamera,
int &  index 

Obtain the current Readout setting.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
indexA variable to receive an integer index representing the Readout setting.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraReadoutItemGetCount ( void *  SIDXcamera,
int &  count 

Obtain the count of available Readout settings.

The result is one (1) if the camera offers only one Readout, that is, no choice of Readout. If the camera offers a choice of Readout, then ReadoutItem zero (0) generally produces the highest-quality images, and the highest-numbered Readout generally produces images at the highest speed.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
countA variable to receive an integer value representing the count of available Readout settings.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraReadoutItemGetEntry ( void *  SIDXcamera,
int  index,
double &  pixel_rate,
int &  pixel_depth 

Obtain the pixel depth and pixel rate of images acquired using the Readout corresponding to the specified index.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
indexAn integer index of the Readout selection within the list of available Readout values. The first entry has index zero.
pixel_rateA variable to receive a real (floating-point) value representing the nominal pixel readout rate of images acquired using the readout, measured in Hz. For example, if the pixel readout rate is 10MHz, this value is 10 million (1.0e+7)
pixel_depthA variable to receive an integer value representing the pixel depth of images acquired using the readout, measured in bits.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraReadoutItemGetLocal ( void *  SIDXcamera,
int  index,
wchar_t *  description,
size_t  length 

Obtain a text string description of the Readout corresponding to the specified index.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
indexAn integer index of the Readout selection within the list of available Readout values. The first entry has index zero.
descriptionA variable to receive a text string description of the Readout.
lengthThe length of the array to receive the text string, measured in characters. The array should include space for a null character at the end of the string.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraReadoutItemSet ( void *  SIDXcamera,
int  index 

Set the Readout to the specified index.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
indexAn integer index of the Readout. The first Readout has the index value zero (0);
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraReadoutSet ( void *  SIDXcamera,
const wchar_t *  value 

Set the current Readout setting, using a camera-specific value.

The available Readout modes are dependent on the Operate mode that is set. The default Readout mode is the one that provides the slowest readout rate for the highest pixel depth.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
valueThe text string value to set. The Readout setting value must be valid for the camera. The value is camera-specific.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraROIClear ( void *  SIDXcamera)

Clear the ROI (region of interest), so the entire image is acquired.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraROIGet ( void *  SIDXcamera,
int &  x1,
int &  y1,
int &  x2,
int &  y2 

Obtain the ROI setting.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
x1A variable to receive an integer value representing the x1 value, that is, the left side of the region in pixel index. The value zero represents the left most pixel.
y1A variable to receive an integer value representing the y1 value, that is, the top of the region in pixel index. The value zero represents the top most pixel.
x2A variable to receive an integer value representing the x2 value, that is, the right side of the region in pixel index. The value zero represents the left most pixel.
y2A variable to receive an integer value representing the y2 value, that is, the bottom of the region in pixel index. The value zero represents the top most pixel.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraROIGetValue ( void *  SIDXcamera,
int &  x1,
int &  y1,
int &  x2,
int &  y2 

Obtain the ROI used.

The ROI used may be larger than the ROI setting, if the camera imposes restrictions on the ROI. For example, if the camera requires that the ROI x position and x width be multiples of 4, an ROI that begins at x position 5 will be adjusted to begin at 4.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
x1A variable to receive an integer value representing the x1 value, that is, the left side of the region.
y1A variable to receive an integer value representing the y1 value, that is, the top of the region.
x2A variable to receive an integer value representing the x2 value, that is, the right side of the region.
y2A variable to receive an integer value representing the y2 value, that is, the bottom of the region.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraROISet ( void *  SIDXcamera,
int  x1,
int  y1,
int  x2,
int  y2 

Set the ROI (region of interest) for imaging.

The ROI is specified in sensor coordinates, not binned coordinates. For example, if a 1000x1000 sensor is binned 4x4 to yield a 250x250 image, the ROI is interpreted in the 1000x1000 sensor coordinates, not the 250x250 binned coordinates.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
x1An integer value specifying the left-side x coordinate. The x coordinate is measured from left to right.
y1An integer value specifying the y coordinate. The y coordinate is measured from top to bottom.
x2An integer value specifying the right-side x coordinate. The x coordinate is measured from left to right. The region width in pixels is x2-x1, so the region excludes the x2 column.
y2An integer value specifying the bottom y coordinate. The y coordinate is measured from top to bottom. The region height in pixels is y2-y1, so the region excludes the y2 row.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraRotateClear ( void *  SIDXcamera)

Clear the rotation and mirroring settings, so acquired images are not transformed.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraRotateMirrorX ( void *  SIDXcamera)

Mirror the image in x.

Calls to this method are cumulative, so two successive calls result in no mirroring. The mirroring and rotation calls operate in sequence. Calling RotateSet followed RotateMirrorX rotates the image, then mirrors the image. Calling RotateMirrorX then RotateSet mirrors the image, then rotates the image.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraRotateMirrorY ( void *  SIDXcamera)

Mirror the image in y.

Calls to this method are cumulative, so two successive calls result in no mirroring. The mirroring and rotation calls operate in sequence. Calling RotateSet followed RotateMirrorY rotates the image, then mirrors the image. Calling RotateMirrorY then RotateSet mirrors the image, then rotates the image.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraRotateSet ( void *  SIDXcamera,
int  count 

Set the image rotation as a count of 90 degree clockwise rotations.

For example, a 90 degree clockwise rotation is 1, a 90 degree counter-clockwise rotation is -1, and a 360 degree rotation is 4. Rotations are cumulative, so successive calls add. For example, four calls each with a rotation count of 1 produce a rotation count of 4.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
countAn integer value specifying the image rotation as a signed count of 90 degree clockwise rotations.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraShutterExists ( void *  SIDXcamera,
SIDXShutterMode  mode,
bool &  available 

Determine whether a given shutter control mode is available.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
modeA value describing the shutter control mode value to test.
availableA variable to receive a boolean value, true if the shutter control mode is available, false if the shutter control mode is not available.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraShutterGet ( void *  SIDXcamera,
SIDXShutterMode mode 

Obtain the current shutter control setting.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
modeA variable to receive a value describing the current shutter control setting mode.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraShutterSet ( void *  SIDXcamera,
SIDXShutterMode  mode 

Set the shutter control to the specified value.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
modeA value describing the shutter control mode to use.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraTemperatureExists ( void *  SIDXcamera,
bool &  available 

Determine whether the camera sensor temperature is available.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
availableA variable to receive a boolean value, true if the sensor temperature is available, false if the sensor temperature is not available.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraTemperatureGet ( void *  SIDXcamera,
double &  temperature 

Obtain the current measured sensor temperature.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
temperatureA variable to receive a real (floating-point) value representing the temperature of the sensor, in degree Celsius.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraTransferRateGet ( void *  SIDXcamera,
double &  transfer_rate 

Obtain the transfer rate in bytes per second.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
transfer_rateA variable to receive a real (floating-point) value specifying the tranfer rate in bytes per second.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraTransferRateSet ( void *  SIDXcamera,
double  transfer_rate 

Set the transfer rate in bytes per second.

This parameter is used to calculate the time required to transfer an image from the camera to the computer. If the value is not set, the default transfer rate is zero (0).

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
transfer_rateA real (floating-point) value specifying the transfer rate in bytes per second.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraTriggerModeExists ( void *  SIDXcamera,
SIDXTriggerInMode  mode,
bool &  available 

Determine whether a given trigger input control mode is available.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
modeThe trigger input control mode to test.
availableA variable to receive a boolean value, true if the trigger input control mode is available, false if the trigger input control mode is not available.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraTriggerModeGet ( void *  SIDXcamera,
SIDXTriggerInMode mode 

Obtain the current trigger input control setting.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
modeA variable to receive a value describing the current trigger input control setting mode.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraTriggerModeSet ( void *  SIDXcamera,
SIDXTriggerInMode  mode 

Set the trigger input control to the specified value.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
modeA value describing the trigger input control value to use.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraTriggerSignalExists ( void *  SIDXcamera,
SIDXSignalActiveMode  mode,
bool &  available 

Determine whether a given trigger input signal mode is available.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
modeThe trigger input signal mode to test.
availableA variable to receive a boolean value, true if the trigger input signal mode is available, false if the trigger input signal mode is not available.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraTriggerSignalGet ( void *  SIDXcamera,
SIDXSignalActiveMode mode 

Obtain the current trigger input signal setting.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
modeA variable to receive a value describing the current trigger input signal setting mode.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXCameraTriggerSignalSet ( void *  SIDXcamera,
SIDXSignalActiveMode  mode 

Set the trigger input signal to the specified value.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
modeA value describing the trigger input signal value to use.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXGeometryChannelGetDepth ( void *  SIDXcamera,
int &  depth 

Obtain the pixel depth of one channel from the image data.

For grayscale image, there is one channel. For RGB image, there are three channels which represent red, green and blue respectively.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
depthA variable to receive an integer value representing the channel depth in bit.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXGeometryImageGetSize ( void *  SIDXcamera,
size_t &  size 

Obtain the data size of an image.

The data size of an image is the size of the data in an image, excluding any padding.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
sizeA variable to receive an integer value representing the size of the data in an image, measured in bytes.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXGeometryImageGetType ( void *  SIDXcamera,
SIDXImageType type 

Obtain the image type of the source image.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
typeA variable to receive a value describing the type of source image.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXGeometryPixelGetCount ( void *  SIDXcamera,
int &  x,
int &  y 

Obtain the x and y pixel count for images.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
xA variable to receive an integer value representing the pixel count on the x axis.
yA variable to receive an integer value representing the pixel count on the y axis.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.
int SIDXGeometryPixelSpacingGet ( void *  SIDXcamera,
double &  x,
double &  y 

Obtain the pixel size in x and y.

SIDXcameraA handle value that references the open camera context.
xA variable to receive a real (floating point) value representing the horizontal pixel spacing, measured in meters.
yA variable to receive a real (floating point) value representing the vertical pixel spacing, measured in meters.
Non-zero if the function failed, zero if it succeeded.